Samstag, 22. Februar 2014

Pacific Rim [Review]

Well, Pacific Rim... You're like Megan Fox. You're really, really hot, but if you have a closer look at your thumbs you realize that even the hottest chick comes with her flaws (I'm gay by the way, so no sexist gibberish). You wonder what this lead-in has to do with the following review? Me too...

Ok story: This guy (from Sons of Anarchy) fights against monsters from some kind of other dimension - called Kaijus - in a really huge, impressive Robot called Jaeger. That's all... there you have it!

However I really enjoyed this movie. There's not much I can say about the story, since there is not a lot of it in the movie: Mankind is fighting against this awesomely  good designed Monsters that came from a breach in the Pacific Ocean. They destroy everything without a reason.Which weirdly makes sense to me...
However story (and they even put in some mildly interesting side-stories and back-stories for the otherwise quite stereotypical characters) isn't what makes this movie watchable. It's the action and the Jaegers/Kaijus destroying whole cities.
Hong Kong was one of those and I think they could have portrayed it in a better way. The fighting scenes between men and monster were obviously shot in North America. I really love Hong Kong and think that it's a really beautiful city and they just didn't manage to capture this beauty on screen... In other words - I didn't really care about it, because as far as I'm concerned it could have been any other city located around the pacific.

However this is a nice movie. I enjoyed it with all of its flaws and at the end of the day it has a really nice message: You always have to work together to overcome great obstacles. During the whole movie you get this really nice team-spirit and a lot of odd couples find out, that they are most effective when working together and not against each other, embracing their respective counterparts with all of their flaws and edges.

Go watch it, get it on Blu-Ray, enjoy it on a rainy Sunday... you can't go wrong with this movie.

If you loved Independence Day you will like this movie...

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