Freitag, 10. Oktober 2014

Grey's Anatomy Season 11, Episodes 1-3 [Review]

I’ve been watching Grey’s Anatomy for a very long time. It’s in its 11th season right now and there is no end in sight. I predicted its cancellation years ago and boy was I wrong. Even though the ratings dropped a bit, the stories got more and more confusing and unrealistic, Grey’s is still here.
This is my recap to the first 3 Episodes of Season 11.

S11E01 I Must Have Lost It On The Wind
The first episode is basically a “where were we?” from last season. Most of the issues from last season were solved and the basic drama revolves around Derek having to decide whether to stay in Seattle or move to the east coast., Arizona and Callie deciding whether they’re gonna have another child or not and of course there’s Maggie, Ellis Grey’s child from her affair with Richard.
For a season premiere, the episode was not too special, to be honest. It was character driven as always, but some of the patient-doctor-eye-opening-moments were too obvious, like when Derek had to tell a little boy that his mom is dead and it instantly reminded him of leaving his family for his job.
Maggie is actually a really decent character. It would have been better to include her earlier in the series, since it will be hard for the audience to accept yet another half-sister to appear on the radar, especially after killing Lexie off not too long ago.
However her dynamic with Richard was interesting to watch and her (failed) approaches towards Meredith (who is known to be welcoming to all of her half-sisters) were also quite entertaining.
Luckily they didn’t waste too much time talking about the departure of Cristina, she will probably reappear on the series sooner or later anyways, but the aftermath (giving away her seat on the board to Alex) was definitely there and it was quite funny watching Alex grow into his new position as Meredith’s person (there is no other original intern left in the cast, so that makes sense).
In conclusion, the episode had no big surprises for us, it was relatively April-Jackson-free, which is a good thing and adding Derek’s sister Amelia to the cast wasn’t too noticeable…

S11E02 Puzzle With A Missing Piece
The second Episode was much, much better. It was Maggie-centric, which was a good thing to do, since the character is completely new to everyone and she definitely has to position herself in the family that is the hospital.
It was cool to see her being both clever, intelligent and smart, but human and emotional at the same time. Especially her conversations with her adopted parents were really interesting and shed light on her character. To be honest, even though this whole “Meredith has another sister”-twist is completely ridiculous, Maggie has already more depth than April (she lost all of her credibility with her Jesus/Virgin arc).
Along Maggie’s exploration of her new workplace, hassling with (still clueless – at least right until ) Meredith and other doctors, some of the other character’s stories are continued, the focus remains on Maggie and her relationships, though.
In conclusion: Much better than the premiere, giving the absurd story around Maggie a little more credibility, still setting the stage for the next few episodes.

S11E03 Got To Be Real
Finally we get a little bit more insight into Owens mind and his new cooperation with Callie and the army-guys is a promising plot, especially with Callie facing problems with Arizona yet again, when the latter decides to start a new fellowship in prenatal surgery (we need Addison!!!) and eventually deciding against having another baby via surrogacy.
Also, Meredith tries to cope with Maggie’s revelation, while Alex is preparing to claim his place on the board, heading into battle against Bailey.
In addition to that, Avery complains about not being able to operate enough, because of his position as board leader and Derek, who is obviously depressed by Meredith’s decision not to leave Seattle fights with his sister like a little boy…
In conclusion, this newest Episode was the most interesting one and as I see it right now, this season could get a little bit more interesting than the last.

Grey’s Anatomy always had its ups and downs, but it seems to be on the right track to go back to its former glory. If only Katherine Heigl would make a surprise return and mess things up with Alex, but she probably pissed off Shonda Rhimes for the rest of her life…

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